API / WebService / WebApp Access

No. records/month Standardization Geocoding TERYT identifiers Building information Autocomplete Building surroundings* Routing
5 000 0 zł 0 zł 0 zł 0 zł 0 zł 0 zł 0 zł
5 000 – 50 000 1,5 gr 2 gr 2 gr 5 gr 0,5 gr 5 gr 1 gr
50 000 – 100 000 0,75 gr 1 gr 1 gr 2,5 gr 0,25 gr 2,5 gr 0,5 gr
> 100 000 Individual calculation

The prices in the table are PLN net amounts for processing 1 request to the service. We do not charge for data that could not be recognized, corrected, or geocoded.

The price list should be interpreted in a “stepwise” manner.
Example: If you geocode a database of 100,000 records, you will pay nothing (one time) for the first 1,000 records, for 49,000 records you will pay 980 PLN, and for the last 50,000 records you will pay 500 PLN.




The system will unify your customers’ address data (e.g., remove street name typos) and fill in gaps (e.g., add postal codes).


Geocoding is the determination of geographic coordinates (longitude and latitude) from address data.


Real-time completion of the contact information that the site user begins typing.
A single autocomplete query is understood as a single alphanumeric character sent to the API. Filling out a standard form by a single user for a complete address (street, building number, city, zip code) is on average 12-15 single queries.
Example: if you type “P” the API service notes one request. If you type “Pr” the API service notes two queries. If you type the word “Przeskok” the API service notes a total of eight queries.

Filling out a standard form by a single user with a complete address (street, building number, city, postal code) is on average 12-15 single queries. Assuming the right variant for 200,000 queries per month, we can assume that the autocomplete service is an average/single and approximate cost at the level of PLN 0.15 – 0.18 PLN for one form filling.
Full address exapmle:

  • City: Warszawa
  • Street: Przeskok
  • Buidling No.: 2
  • Zip codde: 00-032

Other definitions


Adding identifiers from TERYT register to the address, which is the binding standard of territorial identification for the bodies that keep official records and information systems of public administration. The following TERYT identifiers are added: municipality, district, voivodeship, and identifiers of statistical division of the country: census districts and statistical regions.


Enrichment of the address with additional information about the building: number of registered companies, number of apartments, number of residents, number of occupied apartments, number of registered people by gender and 5-year age groups, e.g. number of women aged 25-30.


Adding to the address information about its closest surroundings (within 1km) based on OpenStreetMap data. Examples of information include the number of stores by industry, e.g. grocery stores, hypermarkets, bookstores, pharmacies, etc.; the number of kindergartens, schools, clinics, bus stops; the length of roads by categories, etc.
* Building environment data can only be added in the web application.


The service returns the distance (in meters) between two points measured along roads. The input to the service can be either the geographic coordinates of the starting and ending points, or addresses.

Consultant services – individual pricing


Are you interested in cleaning address data or address dictionaries? Let us know!

    Jestem zainteresowany/-a:

    Administratorem danych podanych w powyższym formularzu jest Algolytics Technologies Sp. z o. o., ul. Przeskok 2, 00-032 Warszawa,NIP: 701-080-13-66, Regon: 369456263, KRS: 0000717723 Sąd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy, XII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, Kapitał zakładowy: 321 300,00 PLN (trzysta dwadzieścia jeden tysięcy trzysta złotych). Dane podawane są dobrowolnie, a ich przetwarzanie odbywa się w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na kierowane za pomocą formularza zapytanie oraz przesyłania informacji marketingowych. Informujemy o przysługującym Państwu prawie do zapomnienia, prawie do dostępu do treści danych oraz prawie ich poprawiania. Informujemy, że Państwa zgoda może zostać cofnięta w dowolnym momencie przez wysłanie wiadomości e-mail na adres naszego gdpr@algolytics.pl spod adresu, którego zgoda dotyczy. więcej...

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