Algolytics Routes API

Algolytics Technologies Sp. z o.o.

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API for calculating the best route connecting two points. To receive access to our product create an free account.

User operations

Get route details

Method POST
Path api/scenario/code/remote/score?name=routes_auth&key=93d8dd88-6162-4e0a-a220-82b2d3ce6129

Calculate the best route connecting two points and return its distance. Points can be given as addresses or their geographical coordinates, however there are restrictions on combining address properties, see Restrictions on combining address properties for more details.

HTTP status codes

200 OK The request completed successfully.
400 Bad Request The request was malformed. The response body will include an error providing further information.
401 Unauthorized The request has not been applied because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the target resource.
404 Not Found Unable to geocode input address.
405 Method Not Allowed The specified HTTP method (e.g. GET, POST) was recognized, but it is not appropriate for the requested resource.
408 Request Timeout The server did not receive a complete request message from the client within the time that it was prepared to wait.
415 Unsupported Media Type The request entity has a media type which the server does not support.
499 Client Closed Request The client closed the connection while the server is processing the request.
503 Service Unavailable The request was well-formed but geocoding service is currently unavailable due to maintenance.
5xx Unexpected Server Error The server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request. If an unspecified error in range 500-599 occurred contact our support at

Request structure

Table 1. Request headers
Content-Type application/json;charset=UTF-8
Table 2. Request fields
secret_key String An authorization token obtained by the registration e-mail
query Object Points between which the distance is to be calculated
query.start Object Route start point. It can be given as the address or its geographical coordinates
query.start.postalCode String [Optional] Postal code
query.start.cityName String [Optional] City name
query.start.streetName String [Optional] Street name
query.start.streetNumber String [Optional] Street number
query.start.apartmentNumber String [Optional] Apartment number
query.start.streetNumberAndApartmentNumber String [Optional] Concatenation of the street number and apartment number (alternative to separate fields: streetNumber, apartmentNumber)
query.start.streetNameAndStreetNumberAndApartmentNumber String [Optional] Concatenation of the street name, street number and apartment number (alternative to separate fields: streetName, streetNumber, apartmentNumber)
query.start.voivodeshipName String [Optional] Voivodeship name
query.start.countyName String [Optional] County name
query.start.communeName String [Optional] Commune name
query.start.generalData String [Optional] Concatenation of all address information available
query.start.longitude Number [Optional] East longitude degree value. Providing longitude it is mandatory to provide [latitude] – in this case all other fields are ignored
query.start.latitude Number [Optional] North latitude degree value. Providing latitude it is mandatory to provide [longitude] – in this case all other fields are ignored
query.end Object Route end point. It can be given as the address or its geographical coordinates
query.end.postalCode String [Optional] Postal code
query.end.cityName String [Optional] City name
query.end.streetName String [Optional] Street name
query.end.streetNumber String [Optional] Street number
query.end.apartmentNumber String [Optional] Apartment number
query.end.streetNumberAndApartmentNumber String [Optional] Concatenation of the street number and apartment number (alternative to separate fields: streetNumber, apartmentNumber)
query.end.streetNameAndStreetNumberAndApartmentNumber String [Optional] Concatenation of the street name, street number and apartment number (alternative to separate fields: streetName, streetNumber, apartmentNumber)
query.end.voivodeshipName String [Optional] Voivodeship name
query.end.countyName String [Optional] County name
query.end.communeName String [Optional] Commune name
query.end.generalData String [Optional] Concatenation of all address information available
query.end.longitude Number [Optional] East longitude degree value. Providing longitude it is mandatory to provide [latitude] – in this case all other fields are ignored
query.end.latitude Number [Optional] North latitude degree value. Providing latitude it is mandatory to provide [longitude] – in this case all other fields are ignored

Response structure

Table 3. Response headers
Content-Type application/json;charset=UTF-8
Table 4. Response fields
result.response.distance Number Total route distance, in meters
result.response.haversine Number Distance in a straight line, in meters
result.error String An error message explaining that the input data was incorrect or an unexpected application error occurred


$ curl 'https://server.address/api/scenario/code/remote/score?name=routes_auth&key=93d8dd88-6162-4e0a-a220-82b2d3ce6129' -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
    -d '{
  "query" : {
    "start" : {
      "postalCode" : "00-024",
      "cityName" : "Warszawa",
      "streetNameAndStreetNumberAndApartmentNumber" : "Al. Jerozolimskie 54"
    "end" : {
      "latitude" : 52.25637,
      "longitude" : 20.9839567
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Pragma: no-cache
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Expires: 0
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate

    "type": "SCENARIO",
    "name": "routes_auth",
    "version": 1,
    "beginTime": "2021-03-15T10:59:06.022880Z",
    "endTime": "2021-03-15T10:59:07.815564Z",
    "result": {
        "error": null,
        "response": {
            "distance": 4207.954,
            "haversine": 3354.811373922318
    "userId": "dataquality",
    "sceuid": "a148fde9-cdc3-4cc4-8e12-37e0a4fda8e5"

Restrictions on combining address properties

It is forbidden to pass different properties, but with the same information (e.g. streetName and streetNameAndStreetNumberAndApartmentNumber both contain street name information). Therefore, the following groups of mutually exclusive properties can be distinguished:

  • generalData | streetNameAndStreetNumberAndApartmentNumber | streetName
  • generalData | streetNameAndStreetNumberAndApartmentNumber | streetNumberAndApartmentNumber | streetNumber
  • generalData | streetNameAndStreetNumberAndApartmentNumber | streetNumberAndApartmentNumber | apartmentNumber
  • generalData | postalCode
  • generalData | cityName
  • generalData | voivodeshipName
  • generalData | countyName
  • generalData | communeName

Only one property from each group can be present at a time. Violation of these restrictions results in an error.