AlgoMaps localities database contains data on over 100 thousand towns and their parts in Poland.

The following information is included in the data:

  • the names of the province, county and municipality in which the place is located, as well as their TERYT identifiers,
  • the name of the basic town (e.g. Warsaw, Wroclaw) and its TERYT identifier,
  • name of part of the town (e.g. Mokotów, Łężyca) and its TERYT identifier,
  • number of dwellings and buildings assigned to a part of the locality and to the main locality,
  • longitude and latitude of the center of the locality.

The data are updated quarterly.


The DaBase of localities was developed on the basis of the harmonization of data coming from the public registers of the Central Statistical Office and the Central Office of Geodesy and Cartography, which makes the data of the highest quality.

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